Start or Renew an Existing Subscription

Pistas licenses its site technologies usage on a subscription basis. A subscription lasts for a 12 month period. Upon expiration of a subscription, you can renew your subscription for an additional 12 months at the price(s) listed below.

Subscribe today and stay up to date with the latest products and features that are part of your subscription.

If you want to subscribe or to renew your subscription, you must first login to sign in or register.

Company Listings

List As Many Companies

Each subscriber can list as many Companies under one subscription.

With each listed company you can:

Select up to ten (10) service categories you operate within
Upload up to twenty (20) sliding service images with a brief description
List your products and services and specials for each product
Allow customers to access your social media business platforms
Upload your company profile
Provide your business hours and other areas of operation

If you require additional information kindly, email Marketing@kaekapakae.com, or call us at +267 71658475 between 8:00AM and 4:30PM Central Africa Time.

Property Listings

List As Many Properties

Each subscriber can list as many Properties under one subscription for renting or selling.

With each listed property you can:

Upload up to twenty (20) sliding service images with a brief description
Add property descrption with a max of 200 characters
Describe the general location with a max of 100 characters
Specify the price, type of property, beds, baths, etc. Include a logo (personal or business)

If you require additional information kindly, email Marketing@kaekapakae.com, or call us at +267 71658475 between 8:00AM and 4:30PM Central Africa Time.

Annual Subscription Fee
You can enjoy the above services for our annual fee of

BWP 200

. Please take advantage of our One (1) month free trial special which is currently running to see if this is the right platform for you.
Pricing and subscription terms are subject to change with or without notice.
If within the first 7 days of subscription you are not satisfied with the value offerings of our services, you can request a full refund of the amount you paid to Pistas (Pty) Ltd by writing to clientservices@kaekapakae.com or by calling +267 71658475.
*We reserve the right to remove any inapproriate content, to suspend, block or remove your subscription
*We reserve the right to remove Companies which you do not own as a registrant at CIPA. Furthermore, you may be prohibited from subscribing / registering on Pistas as a result.

Our Banking Details are: Pistas (Pty) Ltd, Bank Gaborone, Game City Branch. Account:# 800 11 833 12
Orange Money: +267 7265 8475